Blog - RP-X


Written by RP-X | Aug 15, 2022 8:35:00 AM


Neuro-relaxation is a process of rewiring your brain to combat depression, anxiety and other related problems. The benefits of neuro-relaxation include improved mental health, reduced stress levels, and improved cognitive function. 

Relaxation techniques such as neuro-relaxation can help you train your brain to respond more effectively to stressors or the fight or flight response, improving your overall mental health and wellbeing.

Relaxation techniques effectively reduce stress levels and improve cognitive function, making them essential in any self-care routine. Neuro-relaxation is a simple but effective way to improve your overall mental health, and it's been scientifically proven to work.


Neuro-relaxation works by training your brain to respond more effectively to stressors. Relaxation techniques such as neuro-relaxation help lower your heart rate and blood pressure and slow your breathing. By slowing your breathing and lowering your blood pressure, your body will enter a state of relaxation, which is the opposite of the fight-or-flight response triggered by stress.

When you're feeling stressed, your body releases the hormone Cortisol, which increases heart rate and blood pressure. Releasing Cortisol is the body's natural stress response, designed to help you deal with dangerous situations. However, our brain can trigger this response because of everyday stressors like work deadlines or family conflicts.

Over time, the constant activation of a stressed response can lead to health problems, such as anxiety, depression, and cardiovascular disease. Relaxation techniques such as neuro-relaxation can help counter the effects of stress by training your brain to respond more effectively to stressors.

Photo by Usman Yousaf on Unsplash


Neuro-relaxation is a type of brain exercise that can help you enhance your mental health and cognitive function. Relaxation practices can help you reduce stress and improve your cognitive performance. According to a study about sleep issues in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, relaxation techniques like neuro-relaxation can boost memory functions and reduce anxiety.

Another study found that participants who underwent neuro-relaxation training showed significantly improved memory performance compared to those who received no training. The report also found that the participants who received neuro-relaxation training reported lower anxiety levels than those who did not receive the training.

In addition to the above study, another report published by Doctor Yann Rougier found that relaxation techniques such as neuro-relaxation can help improve cognitive function. The study found that participants who underwent neuro-relaxation training showed significantly improved performance on an executive function test compared to those who did not receive the training. Read more here.


The above is an overview, but what happens when you receive a session of Neuro-relaxation treatments?

Alpha waves are brainwaves that have a frequency of 8-12 Hz. They are associated with relaxation and meditative states. Theta waves are brainwaves that have a frequency of 4-8 Hz. They are associated with sleep, deep meditation, and trance states.

During neuro-relaxation, your brain produces more alpha and theta waves.

  1. The recipient experiences an increase in alpha wave amplitude and duration. The alpha wave amplitude was maintained even after the sessions ended.

  2. A sharp increase in theta wave rhythm, associated with robust stability throughout the sessions. Doctors observed these two significant characteristics, whether participants' eyes were open or closed, which was not an anticipated result.

Interestingly the protocol of the study carried out by Rebalance EEG Study was similar to that implemented during studies with NASA astronauts on the International Space Station. 


As well as increased cognitive function, neuro-relaxation has several other benefits, including improved sleep quality, reduced pain, and lowering blood pressure also helps in recovery from injury and addiction and even aids weight loss.

  • Improving sleep quality by producing more theta waves helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Theta waves are associated with deep sleep. When we daydream or fantasise, theta waves are present, often associated with creativity and intuition. Surprisingly, the lower range of Theta waves is noted when we feel peaceful, serene, and drifting between waking and sleeping.
  • Neuro-relaxation can also help to reduce pain by producing more alpha waves. Alpha waves are associated with a state of relaxation and can help block out pain signals.
  • Lowered blood pressure is another benefit of neuro-relaxation. It is possible to lower your blood pressure using relaxation techniques. When you reduce your stress levels, your blood pressure will also lower.
  • Neuro-relaxation techniques can also help recover from injury by promoting the healing process. Alpha waves are associated with tissue regeneration, and regeneration is part of the healing process.
  • Neuro-relaxation can also help break the cycle of addiction by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms. The seemingly never-ending cycle of addiction is interrupted because neuro-relaxation can help reduce stress levels and improve cognitive function.
  • Weight loss is associated with Neuro-relaxation and mindfulness because it helps control cravings by reducing stress levels. By reducing stress levels, you are less likely to crave unhealthy foods and being mindful enables you to eat slowly and pay attention to your body's needs.

All in all, studies show that Neuro-relaxation works. Give yourself a chance to reset your brain and experience the benefits for yourself. If you’d like to know more about RP-X can help you then please contact us today.


Image source: Unsplash